Honoring the Art of the Shaman

Shamanism is living in harmony with your self and finding balance with nature, the world, friends, family, community. It is about finding your life and completing yourself as a human being with a connection to all around you.

Shamanic energy lives within each person. Change begins within. Holistic health comes from being connected with all of life. Experience nature. Sunrise, sunset, midday, and midnight are special times to honor.

The Huichol people of the Sierra Madra embrace Virarica: the healing people. Healing individually and collectively.

To enjoy a boost of energy, consider a pilgrimage to places of power. Mt Shasta holds deep power in the land. Rivers are the “milk” of mother earth. The Italian Alps, Mt Blanc is the height of power, a place to connect with the spirit of the mountains. Alaska is a shamanic “disneyland” with so many places of power.

Envision Your Way Into Your Day

For a better understanding of yourself and your possibilities, summon your inner Eve. This is a practice long hidden, and as it emerges, many meet it with suspect. Don’t be fooled. Get yours, too. Tune in to your self and tune-up for your day.

Start the day with a morning meditation. Quiet your thoughts and watch your breathing. Do the “introvert” thing. Notice what comes to mind. Notice how you feel. Connect with your body. Notice the silence in between the interruptions of noise.

Here you will find clarity. You will develop understanding. In the moment all is well. There is a pattern. Honor the ebb, the times when tide of activity isn’t happening, as a time to chill and regenerate. Then go with the flow and ride the tide of getting it done.

Ask yourself the questions. What am I meant to do? What is my lesson here? Find the answers, as subtle as they may be – like a breeze whispering by. Or boldly appearing to your understanding like a snuggie yanked up over your head. Aha! Then stand up and deliver as you are meant to do.

Do this for a few minutes or more each morning. Envision your way into your day. Align your self to the vibe of your life. Whatever you align your vibrations with is what you will experience. This is called resonance. Still yourself to find your tune. Name it. Then dance to it all day long.

Apple or Pomegranate?

A question asked often since the long lost days in The Garden. I suggest, neither. Let me attempt an explanation. In the tradition of storytelling and to help explain complex concepts, symbols are used to paint a familiar picture. This way, the idea can be translated by the most people in some way.

We do not harvest a “tree of knowledge” (nor a “money tree” unfortunately) growing in the garden offering orbs of “forbidden fruit.” However, there is the opportunity to experience in a way that gives focus to time and space rather than the ethereal world of All That Is. This focus branches out and takes root, as a tree would. And in this human realm, one is limited to the five senses through which we can get a “taste” for the physical. There is much to explore in this tale and many have found a facet of understanding to share. What is your interpretation?

Still, if one wishes to take it literally, take your pick – apple or pomegranate – but pick wisely (the one you least favor) as it will forever be “the forbidden fruit.” Though I would not want to ban either the apple or the pomegranate as they both offer wonderful nourishment to the body.