The Weighty Issues

Get active and count calories (and make sure your calories count). This is the formula for keeping a fit figure. At every age there are variables to accommodate. For instance, after one is fully developed, calorie needs diminish.  Of course, if pregnant or nursing, calorie needs increase. Hormone changes affect diet needs. At menopause, usually in one’s early 50’s, metabolism takes its greatest hit and muscle loss accelerates.

Keep moving through the aches and pains (as okay with your health provider). Being active may even reduce joint and muscle pain that comes with aging.

Stretching is an important aspect of your regimen at every age. Try it between “sets” when strength training, and notice how your body responds with new vigor.

The “formula” in general includes a varied form of cardio on a daily basis. Variation will help prevent injuries from overuse. It will also keep things interesting. Stick with strength training at least three times a week. If you do more, be sure to vary muscle groups to allow for recovery. And, stretch regularly.

Fold this in to your daily routine and enjoy the energy that comes with fitness. Additional benefits are delivered such as mood enhancement and an increased threshold for pain that comes with endorphins released during a workout. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter produced in the brain during and after exercise, can provide a natural high. Mind, spirit and flesh benefit.

Eat to fuel your body (and do so in a pleasurable way). Fresh foods are best. Searching out seasonal produce helps keep things interesting. And ensure adequate protein. Fish, fowl, and meat can replenish amino acids which are the building blocks of muscle. Beans, nuts, eggs and dairy are also good sources of protein. Again, vary your intake to give yourself a full range of flavors plus nutrients. Make sure every day is filled with FWB’s – Foods With Benefits. Supplement only as needed.

When reducing, trim calories by increasing vegetables proportionate to protein and starches. For support, consider an app such as MyFitnessPal or MyNetDiary.

Make a habit of healthy eating and keeping active as soon as you can. And carry it with you always. It will help you feel good and be well in your skin.

Journaling Your Journey

Through time, we have found the process of documenting our days, our dreams, our hopes, our fears to be calling us. There is a reason. Journaling helps us explore life, live more fully, nurture a deeper understanding.

Whether jotting notes on a napkin and tucking in to your pocketbook or penning devotedly each day in a leather bound book, the process of writing down thoughts helps give clarity. Scribbling an idea helps give it shape.  Recording a dream gives it meaning. Listing desires grows understanding. Noting a goal gives it strength.

There are many ways to begin the process. Begin, though, one must! After 21 days, you will have formed a habit of journaling.

For one year, keep a diary of the day to day events in your life. See how interesting every moment is.

If you wish for guidance, consider a self-exploration journaling experience through One Whole Health. Join the online journaling community and enjoy the weekly topics to help you explore your life.

Another enchanting thought-starter can be found at My Inner World. Here, you can explore a virtual world and glean insights about your self, then track it via your journal.

Whatever path you choose, begin the process. Let the pages of possibilities unfold before you. Enjoy journaling the journey.